Doug Kinna

Executive Vice-President

BC General Employees’ Union (BCGEU)

BC General Employees’ Union (BCGEU)

Doug Kinna is one of the current elected Executive Vice-President at BCGEU. Doug has been with the BCGEU since 1993 working as an Income Assistance Worker, serving in leadership roles since 1995. He has been advocating for his co-workers in many capacities, including shop steward, chair of Local 601, Occupational Health and Safety Trainer, member of the Public Service Bargaining Committee, and Vice President for Component 6.

Doug has worked to create partnerships between Component 6 and community organizations whose work reflects members’ interests, and has been directly active in the wider community through his involvement within many BCGEU campaigns.

BCGEU is one of the largest and most diverse unions in British Columbia, representing over 85,000 members including approximately 20,000 people who work in healthcare.