Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

Our Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a group of occupational health and safety experts and leaders from all partners and organizations. TAC will advise SWITCH BC on what current programs and best practices should be made available to everyone working in healthcare. The committee will also advise where our support is needed most, what areas need new ideas and innovation and how we can best ensure high-quality health, safety, and wellbeing programs are accessible to all people working in healthcare.

The Committee is made up of representatives of health employers, unions, and physicians. Since the Committee acts as consultants for the CEO and the Board, they are not a part of the approval process. However, TAC does provide valuable guidance, while also communicating to the stakeholders on initiatives as needed. As health care teams recover from the most demanding time in their careers, they will be looking to TAC for psychological safety, as well as violence and injury prevention programs.


  • Georgina Hackett, Facilities Bargaining Association
  • John Fitzgerald, Island Health

TAC members:

  • Anne Bull, Hospital Employees’ Union
  • Dave Keen, Fraser Health
  • David Vigor, Vancouver Coastal Health
  • Denise Subotin, WorkSafeBC
  • Farnaz Ferdowsi, Doctors of BC
  • Geri Grigg, Nurses’ Bargaining Association
  • Kailey Miller, Northern Health
  • Ken Donohue, SafeCare BC
  • Lana Schultze, Interior Health
  • Michael Wisla, Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association
  • Michelle Seymour, Resident Doctors of BC
  • Patrick Whalen, Provincial Health Services Authority
  • Sherry Andrews, Ministry of Health
  • Tammy Akey, Providence Health
  • Theresa Caridi, Nurses’ Bargaining Association
  • Warren Leeder, Ambulance Paramedics Ambulance & Dispatchers Bargaining Association
  • Wendy Mah, Community Bargaining Association