OHS Resource Centre

The new provincewide OHS Resource Centre will streamline Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (JOHSC) work by making it easier to plan meetings, take notes, make recommendations, and take action with an accessible record of the work. More than 1,300 organizations, from health authorities and non-profit health organizations, representing more than 300,000 people working in healthcare will benefit from this initiative.

Funding provided by the Nurses’ Bargaining Association, the Facilities Bargaining Association, and the Ministry of Health.

OHS Resource Centre Awareness Video

Get to know the OHS Resource Centre. We are building a digital platform to support Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee work.

OHS Resource Centre FAQ

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about the OHS Resource Centre.

What’s Improving

Different systems throughout the province.
Access to one system for everyone working in healthcare in B.C.
Mix of paper and digital records and reports.
Digital resources and online platform available to all JOHSC members across B.C.
Varying degrees of access to information.
Information available to all staff online, 24/7


Funding for the OHS Resource Centre was provided by the Nurses’ Bargaining Association, the Facilities Bargaining Association, and the Ministry of Health. The OHS Resource Centre is supported by health unions (bargaining associations), health employers, and Doctors of BC.


We need your help.

Share your ideas and questions below to help design a new OHS Resource Centre.

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