Updating your “My Profile” Information
To update your profile information, sign into your account and click on the profile icon in the top right corner. Click on the ‘My profile’ button and then follow the instructions based on what you want to update.
Update your Profile Information
Applies to: All user roles
- On the ‘User information’ screen, click on the’ Edit’ button in the ‘Personal Information’ table.
- On the ‘Edit personal information’ window, you can update the following fields:
- First name
- Last name
- Phone number
- After updating, click on the ‘Save Changes’ button.
Update your Profile Picture
Applies to: All user roles
- After signing into your account, click on the profile icon in the top right corner, and then click on ‘My Profile.’
- On the ‘User information’ screen, click on the edit/pencil icon on the profile avatar.
- Add your photo by either dragging and dropping the file into the ‘Adding image’ window or by uploading the image by selecting the ‘click here’ link.
- On the ‘Adding image’ window, click on the ‘Confirm Upload’ button.
Manage your Notifications
Applies to: All user roles
- After signing into your account, click on the profile icon in the top right corner, then click on ‘My Profile’.
- On the ‘User information’ screen, click on the ‘Notification Settings’ header and update the settings as required. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to receive email notifications to the email address associated with your account.