SWITCH BC at HSA Annual Convention


For the Health Sciences Association (HSA) it was the 52nd time, but it was a first for SWITCH BC.  

SWITCH BC was invited to participate in the HSA BC Annual Convention in Vancouver, BC. This was a great opportunity to engage with members from the health sciences, community health services, and social service sectors including lab technicians, social workers, medical imaging technologists, psychiatric nurses, occupational therapists and many more. HSA brought 300 delegates together from across BC to vote on resolutions and elect the union’s president. Congratulations to Kane Tse for your re-election to serve as the HSA president for a second term.  

At the SWITCH BC booth, we asked participants to answer questions about workplace violence prevention training: 

  • What violence prevention training have you received? 
  • When did you last attend a violence prevention training? 
  • How prepared do you feel to handle a potentially violent situation? 

Most booth visitors had received online course or in person training in the past one to five years and felt somewhat prepared to handle a potentially violent situation at work. 

These questions started the engagement process for the Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum (PVPC) Refresh. We had some great conversations around what is working in the current curriculum and what is missing. If you work in healthcare, we’d like to hear from you too Your Say