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Safety, Wellbeing, Innovation, Training & Collaborating in Healthcare
Let's connect
About Us
SWITCH BC which stands for Safety, Wellbeing, Innovation, Training and Collaboration in Healthcare
is a new organization focused on the health, safety, and wellbeing of everyone working in healthcare in B.C. Our unique organizational model is a collaboration of unions, physicians, and employers. We are working to support province-wide innovation, prevention and training, and enhancing the culture of safety in all healthcare workplaces in B.C.
Our story
Meet our Board of Directors
Message from the Chair
How the Board works
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
Meet the Team
Message from the CEO
Strategies and Goals
Vision, Values and Mandate
Reports and Statements
Contact us
Learn more about the work SWITCH BC is doing to improve occupational health, safety, and wellbeing programs and practices. Check out the Provincial Health Safety Management System (HSMS) to see how provincial decisions and leadership decisions tie into operational actions and create safer and healthier workplaces. You can also explore partner programs throughout the province.
see partner programs
Provincial Health and Safety Management System (HSMS)
Psychological Health and Safety Management System (PHSMS)
Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum Refresh
Community Physician Health and Safety Program
Resources, training and coaching.
We believe everyone working in healthcare should be safe and thriving at work, and when they head home to family, friends, and their communities. Check out the Provincial Health Safety Management System to see how provincial and leadership decisions tie into operational actions to create safer and healthier healthcare workplaces. Plus learn more about shared responsibility between employers and employees when it comes to health and safety at work and mental wellbeing in workplaces.
Health and Safety Training
Health & Safety: A Shared Responsibility
Physician Health and Safety Requirements
Patient Handling and Ergonomics
Violence Prevention
Mental Wellbeing
Factors for Health and Safety
Mental Wellbeing: A Shared Responsibility
CSA Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
OHSAH Archive Library
OHS Resource Centre
Providing resources to help support health and safety at work.
Creating healthy and safe workplaces is a shared responsibility between employees and employers. Occupational health and safety play a vital role in workplace health, safety, and wellbeing by giving employees and employers ways to work together to identify concerns and find solutions.
Start Here
OHS Resource Centre
Step By Step Guide
OHS Resource Centre Manuals
Video Tutorials
Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee Resources
News and Events
People working in healthcare are twice as likely to be injured on the job compared to the average B.C. worker and health care aides are four times more likely to be injured at work.
Health care teams are more likely to face a violent incident at work than people in law enforcement. And unfortunately, mental health injuries are highest in healthcare work too. Analyzing data, looking at root causes and collaborating on solutions will help us all better care for the people who care for us.
News and Media Centre
Fact Sheets
Your Stories and Videos
About Us
Contact us
Tell us about your workplace health & safety idea
Tell us about your workplace health and safety idea
300-2889 East 12th Avenue,
Vancouver, B.C.
V5N 2A9