Vision, Values and Mandate


SWITCH BC will support one system of safety and wellbeing for health care teams across B.C.

We will achieve this through focusing on a provincial health and safety approach that meets the needs of unions, physicians, and employers and most importantly, health care teams.


We are committed to living our values of collaboration and joint decision-making in the service of our vision.

SWITCH BC respects the responsibilities of employers, unions, and physicians.

We believe by working together we will realize greater improvements in worker health and safety and increase our opportunities to reverse the significant human toll the healthcare system is experiencing from injury and illness.

We value evidence-informed strategies and are committed to developing business intelligence and sharing data and actionable information that will guide health and safety improvements.

We encourage and support innovation in all our work.

We are committed to equity, inclusivity, and cultural humility in all our work, recognizing diversity of thought and experience creates the best solutions.


The mandate of SWITCH BC is to influence, invest in and support provincial, system-wide initiatives to improve the health, safety, and wellbeing of everyone working in healthcare.

Our organizational model, unique in B.C. and Canada, has a Board of Directors who represent employers, unions, and physicians, and they are joined by observers from the Ministry of Health and WorkSafeBC.

SWITCH BC, incorporated under Societies Act as the British Columbia Health Care Occupational Health and Safety Society, was established in November 2020.